
Redux Quiz - Review


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Q1In Redux, how is the `state` accessed by `components`?
Q2What is the main purpose of `central state management` in Redux?
Q3What are the three fundamental principles underlying `Redux`?
Q4What is the purpose of `Redux` in JavaScript applications?
Q5What is the `Store` in Redux?
Q6What are Redux `actions` used for?
Q7Which method helps you retrieve the current `state` of your Redux store?
Q8How many `stores` can Redux have in a single application?
Q9A `store` should be an ___________ object tree in Redux.
Q10In Redux, what is the function used to send actions to the store?
Q11Actions and states are held together by a function called?
Q12What is true about `Redux`?
Q13Which of the following statements is true about `Redux`?
Q14In `Redux`, the single global object that manages the application's state is called?
Q15How do you connect a React component to the Redux store?
Q16Why is it beneficial to use `selectors` to extract data from the Redux store?
Q17What is the purpose of using `selectors` in Redux?
Q18What is the purpose of `middleware` in Redux?
Q19Why is `immutability` important in Redux?
Q20How do `reducers` handle state changes and update the Redux store?
Q21What is the purpose of the Redux store's `getState()` method?
Q22What is the role of `Redux` in managing state in complex React applications?
Q23What is the purpose of the `Store` in Redux?
Q24What is the role of `reducers` in Redux?
Q25What is the purpose of the `default case` in a reducer?
Q26What is the purpose of the `payload` property in a Redux action?
Q27In `Redux`, which method is used to dispatch an action to change the state in your application?
Q28Which of the following provide a `debugging` platform for Redux apps?
Q29Which of the following statements about `reducers` in Redux is true?
Q30What is the purpose of the `mapStateToProps` method in React-Redux?