JavaScript ES6 - Review


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Q1What does the `findIndex()` method in JavaScript Array do?
Q2Consider the array below. What will be the output of the `find() method`? ``` const numbers...
Q3What is the value of the following JavaScript ES6 code: ``` 'JavaScript'.startsWith('Java')?...
Q4Given the following code, what will be the output? ``` let string = "Hello, world!"; conso...
Q5What is the output of the following code? ``` const speed = 'quick'; console.log(`The ${sp...
Q6What is the main usage of the `Symbol` data type in ES6?
Q7Which of the following statements about `Symbols` in JavaScript is false?
Q8What is the final value of `obj` if we run the following code snippet? ``` const obj = { foo...
Q9What is a valid statement about `constants` in JavaScript ES6?
Q10What is a necessary condition for using the `await` keyword in JavaScript ES6?
Q11What is a `Promise` in JavaScript ES6?
Q12Examine the following JavaScript ES6 code: ``` // greet.js export function sayHello(name) ...
Q13What is a `module` in ES6?
Q14Which keyword is used to implement inheritance in ES6?
Q15What is a `class` in ES6?
Q16What is `destructuring assignment` in JavaScript ES6?
Q17What is the `rest operator` in JavaScript?
Q18How can the `spread operator` be used to concatenate two arrays in JavaScript ES6?
Q19What does the `spread operator` (...) do in JavaScript ES6?
Q20Which of the following is a valid example of using default function parameters in ES6?
Q21How can you define `default function parameters` in ES6?
Q22What are `default function parameters` in ES6?
Q23How can you access the interpolated values inside a tagged template function in ES6?
Q24What are `tagged templates` in ES6 used for?
Q25What will be the output of the following code snippet? ``` const name = 'John'; const age ...
Q26Which of the following statements about `template literals` in ES6 is not true?
Q27What are the benefits of using `arrow functions` in JavaScript?
Q28What is an `arrow function`?
Q29What is the output of the following code? ``` const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; const squ...
Q30What is the syntax for declaring an arrow function in ES6?
Q31Which of the following statements is true about block-scoped declarations using the `let` and `...
Q32What is the difference between using the keywords `let` and `const` for block-scoped declaratio...