JavaScript Fundamentals 1 - Review


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Q1Which of the following are reserved words in JavaScript?
Q2Which of the following are valid JavaScript identifiers?
Q3What is the result of the following expression: 5 + "10"?
Q4Which method is used to extract a specific section of a string in JavaScript?
Q5What method is used to determine the length of a string in JavaScript?
Q6Which of the following statements is true about the null value in JavaScript?
Q7Which JavaScript function is used to convert a value to a number?
Q8How can you convert a string to a number in JavaScript?
Q9Which of the following statements is true about the global object in JavaScript?
Q10What is the purpose of the else statement in a basic conditional statement in JavaScript?
Q11Which of the following options correctly declares and assigns a value to a variable in JavaScri...
Q12Select the correct relational expression that checks if the variable "num" is less than or equa...
Q13Which of the following is the correct way to comment in JavaScript?
Q14Which of the following is a valid JavaScript syntax?
Q15Which operator is used for concatenating strings in JavaScript?
Q16Which of the following symbols represents the greater than or equal to operator in JavaScript?
Q17Which of the following symbols are comparison operators in JavaScript?
Q18What are comparison operators used for in JavaScript?
Q19What is the result of the following expression? ``` 5 > 3 && 10 < 8 ```
Q20Which logical operator returns true if at least one of the operands is true?
Q21What is the syntax for defining a function in JavaScript?
Q22What is the purpose of the "return" keyword in JavaScript?
Q23What is the purpose of using default parameter values in JavaScript function declarations?
Q24Which of the following is a valid JavaScript Math function?
Q25What is the purpose of the JavaScript Math object?
Q26Which built-in JavaScript function can be used to find the maximum value between two numbers?
Q27What is the result of the Math.abs() function in JavaScript?
Q28What does the Math.random() function do in JavaScript?
Q29How do you determine the number of elements in an array in JavaScript?
Q30Which of the following is used to display a message in the browser console?
Q31How can you get the current year using JavaScript?
Q32Which method returns the day of the week for a specified date in JavaScript?