HTML Code Quiz - Review


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Q1What is the correct HTML tag to create a multi-line text input with the default value "Type her...
Q2How do you add a button with the type "button" and the value "Button" in HTML? ``` <form acti...
Q3How would you add an input field with the type "email" and the placeholder "Enter your email"? ...
Q4How can you add a caption with the text "Table title" to the following HTML table? ``` <table...
Q5Set the size of the image to 120 pixels wide and 65 pixels tall by using the correct HTML image...
Q6How would you display the "jshive.png" image using the correct HTML attribute?
Q7How can you add a description to each term of the list below using the correct HTML tags? ``` ...
Q8Which HTML tag is used to display an unordered list? ``` _____ <li>List item 1<...
Q9Which HTML tag should be used to display an ordered list in the following code snippet? ``` ...
Q10How can you add a "tooltip" to the link that says "Go to homepage" in the following code? ``...
Q11Which HTML attribute should be used to make a link open in a new tab or window? ``` <a href...
Q12How can you add importance to the word "HTML" in the paragraph below? ``` <p>______ HTML __...
Q13How do you add HTML comment tags around a paragraph?
Q14Which type should be used for an input that can contain only numbers in the following code? ...
Q15Add the correct boolean attribute to specify that the video will automatically start playing as...
Q16In the following code, what attribute should be added to specify that the <button> is disabled?...
Q17Add the correct boolean attribute to specify that an `<input>` tag must automatically get focus...
Q18Which of the following options correctly adds an alternate text for the image in the example be...
Q19What attribute can you add to the following element to turn it into a link to "https://jshive.c...
Q20What HTML code will set the size of an image to 120 pixels wide and 35 pixels tall?
Q21How can you add a line break within the two sentences? ``` <p>HTML is the most basic buildi...
Q22Add the correct end tags for the following code: ``` <h1>Welcome to_____ <span>My Websit...
Q23Which of the following add a paragraph with the text "Lorem Ipsum" between the `<body>` and `<...
Q24What HTML element will add a horizontal rule between the `<h1>` and `<h2>` headings? <h1>H...
Q25Which HTML tag would you use to create a heading with the text `Hello, World!`?