Beginner HTML Topics - Review


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Q1Which HTML tag is used to define a section in a document, typically used for grouping thematica...
Q2What is the purpose of the `<title>` tag in an HTML document?
Q3Which element is used to define the structure of an HTML document's body?
Q4What is the purpose of the `alt` attribute in an image tag?
Q5Which of the following tags is used to create a paragraph in HTML?
Q6What is the correct HTML for inserting an image?
Q7What is the correct HTML for making a text area?
Q8What is the correct HTML to create a drop-down list?
Q9What attribute controls whether an audio file should automatically start playing when the page ...
Q10How can an audio file be added to an HTML page?
Q11What is the main purpose of using `<div>` tags in HTML?
Q12What is the correct HTML for adding a placeholder text in a text input field?
Q13Which HTML code correctly creates a text input field?
Q14What does the `href` attribute in the `<a>` (link) tag specify?
Q15What is the purpose of the `Document Object Model (DOM)` in HTML?
Q16What does `DOM` stand for in HTML?
Q17Who was the primary author of `HTML`?
Q18How should you structure the label for a `checkbox` in HTML?
Q19Which HTML tag is used to create a bulleted list?
Q20Which HTML tag is used to create an ordered (numbered) list?
Q21Which character is used to indicate an end tag in HTML?
Q22Identify the set of tags that are all used within HTML tables.
Q23Which HTML attribute is used to open a link in a new tab or browser window?
Q24What is the purpose of the forward slash (`/`) in HTML?
Q25Which HTML tag is used to define the top section of a webpage, typically containing the website...
Q26What is the correct HTML for creating a hyperlink with a specific URL?
Q27Which of the following HTML tags is used to add a background color to a specific section of a w...
Q28Which HTML element is used to insert a line break?
Q29Choose the correct HTML element for the largest heading.
Q30What is the full form of `HTML`?
Q31Which heading level is used for the main title of a webpage?
Q32Which of the following HTML structures is correctly formatted?